Natural Products Expo West is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC


Sustainability Program

Sustainability Program

Our Mission

We recognize that Natural Products Expo has an impact on our local communities and global industry. Through our sustainability program, we are striving to better identify, understand, and proactively address environmental impacts, social sustainability, and sustainable development. 

Running an Environmentally Responsible Event

Running a Socially Responsible Event

Inspiring Sustainable Development

Faster to Zero with Support from Informa

Under the Faster to Zero pillar, we are moving faster to become a zero waste and net zero carbon business.

To help meet the urgent challenges of a changing world, this means taking accelerated steps to reduce our carbon and waste footprint with the aim of becoming a zero waste and net zero carbon business by 2030.

Wherever we can, we are also actively helping our partners, customers and wider markets to achieve the same.

See the full list of commitments and find out more.